Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My mom and dad visiting me in Olympia

Mom and Dad were able to come and visit me just before Easter. Plants and trees were just beginning to bloom, and they seemed to enjoy seeing all the new blossoms and the buds waiting for their day to open. This picture was taken on The Evergreen State College campus. Dad gave me some gardening advice while he was here, as I have an amazing backyard--it's my own secret garden (it has a wooden fence enclosing it with flowering vines growing on the top of it!) and I'm in the process of planting vegetable plots. I will post pictures of my progress soon!


Jamie Robertson said...

I'm looking forward to seeing youir garden grow this spring and summer. We sure enjoyed our visit with you and John. I might stop by when you aren't home to have some strawberries later on.

caiticoodita said...

That's more like it.:-)
Love you.

Jamie Robertson said...

Mamacita says (the blog wouldn't let me on in my own name, so I have to use Dad's): I am glad that the flowers and vegetables are giving you some joy, some sense of life and renewal, and some fun. You come by that naturally! Call Grandma I and tell her about it, why don't you? Your tulips were fun to see--what is next to bloom? Love you. Mom