Hello everyone! I don't have much time to do anything besides say hi but just wanted to express thanks to Jamie for setting this blog up. I think it's a great idea and look forward to posting. Good to see all the photos of the newest member of the clan as well! Congratulations Colin and Monica!...and Tate too!
Special note for Tate: hey little guy, just because I like to post pictures on these things, I'm including a classic of where it all began for you--Colin and Monica's wedding! Well, technically it began for you long before that I suppose, but that's where it all started for our (yours and mine) relationship. I've got lots more pics for you to see whenever you feel ready to keep those little eyes open long enough to take a gander ;).

To everyone else: I'll post more later, right now just trying to finish up my final paper so I can graduate next week. Talk to you all soon!
Nathan & Jamie the younger,
I LOVED college. But I can remember that deep, tingling joy of checking the last things off my list before graduation. Last paper. Last project. Last class discussion. Last final. I remember walking out of my last final and it was just one of those unbelievably beautiful Santa Barbara afternoons and the weight that was off my shoulders was so much greater than I imagined. The air was alive. And then you go back to freaking out about the great next something (or next great nothing) and what answers to have prepared for every well-meaning but kind of irritating small-talky question about your future and so on and so on. But I clearly remember that moment. Enjoy it -- even the bittersweet stuff. And make sure your ipod or car stereo has Alice Cooper's "School's Out for Summer" cued up.
Hi Nathan,
Very cool. I love your description of when it all began--your relationship with Tate that is. Neat. Good luck in the next few days.
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