When I think back to the highlights of California, I have to say that coming upon this snake was really amazing. He was laying stretched out across the road in the sun like he did most days, but this day, we happened upon him. We did not want to run over him and he seemed unfazed by our automobile, so Tim got out, grabbed a stick and thought he could scare him away. As soon as Tim came around the car, he coiled and started rattling. Tim returned to the car and he continued to rattle and show us that he was the boss of the road. Eventually he uncolied and returned to his hole in the side of the road. The entire time he didn't stop rattling and the last thing that disappeared down the hole was the rattle. Once in a life time experience.
Monday, April 30, 2007
When I think back to the highlights of California, I have to say that coming upon this snake was really amazing. He was laying stretched out across the road in the sun like he did most days, but this day, we happened upon him. We did not want to run over him and he seemed unfazed by our automobile, so Tim got out, grabbed a stick and thought he could scare him away. As soon as Tim came around the car, he coiled and started rattling. Tim returned to the car and he continued to rattle and show us that he was the boss of the road. Eventually he uncolied and returned to his hole in the side of the road. The entire time he didn't stop rattling and the last thing that disappeared down the hole was the rattle. Once in a life time experience.
2007 Great Reno Balloon Race
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Tate's First Plumber's Crack

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Three dogs make thrice the fun!

So, the Robertson's are going to enter into the 21st Century and start blogging. I have a feeling that it will be the youngest generation who do the most posting, but hey, that's way cool. Us older and wiser types will have to share our lives too and maybe even download a couple of older and wiser pictures. All I can say about the trip to California was that Becca and Davida provided great opportunites to make memories and the guest house in Santa Maria could not be beat...even a private bath. More to follow about the details and you already have the pics, so I won't bore you with those except one that I didn't include.
Hello Hello

Well I think it is a good idea as well. So I will have to fill everyone in on my life. Well for all you who have been wondering how the relationship with Lauren is going it is going great, actually better than ever. The down side is I am leaving
Spotted Bear Ranger District
P.O. Box 190348
Hungry Horse, MT 59919
That’s all for now love you all!
Hi everyone!
Special note for Tate: hey little guy, just because I like to post pictures on these things, I'm including a classic of where it all began for you--Colin and Monica's wedding! Well, technically it began for you long before that I suppose, but that's where it all started for our (yours and mine) relationship. I've got lots more pics for you to see whenever you feel ready to keep those little eyes open long enough to take a gander ;).

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
My mom and dad visiting me in Olympia

Just arrived

These photographs of the newest Robertson, Tate Bradley, are part of a much larger group you can see at the proud parents' blog, babyboy2b.