Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Boy Wonder

Tate spent the weekend with his friends, Cash and Henry, while the mommies/aunties (all roommates from England Semester 1996) got caught up, ate, drank, and were merry. Will the boys be in the Westmont class of 2029? Perhaps.

Tate had his two-month check up this morning -- he didn't care for the shots but before he got those he was very cute and charmed all the nurses and doctors. They were super happy to see how healthy he is -- and he is. He's 12 pounds and 24 inches tall. Two feet tall! Amazing.


Jamie Robertson said...

Glad you all had fun. Tate looks dapper in the bright green sweatshirt his Grandma R. picked out, don't you think? He's growing like a little green sprout!

Jamie Robertson said...

Sally says: Actually--that comment comes from Sally, too tired to sign in as herself. :-)

Cindy B. Robertson said...

Love that smile Tate! I'm sure you smile more than you frown!
Cindy B.