Last weekend, June 3, we were in Denver for a family wedding. On Sunday, we went to City Park and enjoyed a concert there. Jamie flew in for the wedding and it was great to have him there. We also visited the home we are going to be living in and fixing up for the next two years. I thought you would like to see the before picture. However, since it is such a solid, well built home, the after picture from the front won't change a lot. It is the inside that will make the transformation. The home was built in 1892 and is about 12 blocks from the capital. Very interesting place, to say the least, and it will be a big change for Tim and I. We have lived in small towns our entire marriage, so to live in the heart of a big city will be different to say the least. Lots of plans being made, but right now, life just goes on in Adel. Cindy