Doctor appointment today: his bili level has dropped to a nearly non-existent level and long story short: his liver finally got to work and the jaundice is cleared up. We've got a follow-up appointment to make sure everything remains good but this means no more daily blood tests, no more daily suspense, and we can relax and enjoy our new little man. We're overjoyed to say the least. And are so amazed and grateful that he doesn't have a more serious or chronic condition: how parents deal with that is beyond my capacity to understand at this point. It's sobering to think of parents who are nursing their children through more serious things and yet at the same time to feel so happy we don't have to.
2. Selfish relief
I don't know if it'll make the national news but there was a crash at the nearby Naval Air Base and all five crew members were killed. Our friend Josh is a helicopter pilot there. Josh was flying with them -- but was not involved in the crash. He's okay. Obviously not completely unscathed: he was there, he knew those guys, he was training those guys, he has to get up in the morning and return to the crash site to help with the investigation. But he is okay. It certainly doesn't change the tragedy of this accident: families and friends are grieving tonight for those five men. But we don't have to -- we get to have our friend. It's the same kind of selfish relief that I feel about Tate: it could be worse. It's worse for a lot of people. Thank God it isn't worse for us.
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