Well I am out of the woods and living in Fairbanks Alaska. Nathan and I drove from Denver about two weeks ago and had a great trip. I dropped him off in Anchorage and then drove up through Denali to Fairbanks. The college is gorgeous and I am enjoying my classes. I had a great summer in the woods. As you most know the forest fires were outrageous this year and many were burning on our district. I was able to get some minimal fire experience and had fun. Winter is approaching fast here in Fairbanks. Daylight is lessening and the leaves are all a golden brown. I plan on getting a job and keeping myself busy. When I get a camera I will post some pictures. Everything is great on my end hope it is the same for everyone else!
Hurrah! Hey, Thomas! Can't wait to hear more about your summer and how the fall unfolds for you up there. It's 90 degrees today in Reno -- you wearing flip flops up there today? :)
Tate says, "ammmmm-ma-ha." Not sure what that means but I think he was trying to say, "good morning, thomas. hope you having an excellent day."
Thanks for the posting...it is nice that you are communicating with the family in this way. It is cool here today too. I turned on the furnace this morning to take the chill off. Dad and Nathan still don't have heat as the plumber that needs to get in before the furnace guys have stood them up, so Dad is having to find another plumber. Aubrey and I will be traveling to Denver on the 20th and I am looking forward to that. Love, Mom
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